Abstract submission
21 September 2015: Abstract submission ends;
See example
Title of your contribution
e.g. My nice title about [α/Fe] abundances or something else
Obligatory field
Title of your contribution in LATEX format
e.g. My nice title about [$\alpha$/Fe] abundances or something else
Obligatory field
Names of authors
e.g. Á. Arriagada-Muñoz, G. Nordström, C.P. Casanova ...
Obligatory field
Affiliations of authors in LATEX format
1. Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley road, CB3 0HA, Cambridge, UK
2. Laboratoire Lagrange (UMR7293), Universit\'e de Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, Observatoire de la C\^ote d'Azur, BP 4229, F-06304 Nice Cedex 04, France
3. Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Vilnius University, A. Go\v{s}tauto 12, LT-01108 Vilnius
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Names of authors in LATEX format tagged by institutions listed above.
\`{A}. Arriagada-Mu\~{n}oz \inst{1,2}, G. Nordstr\"{o}m \inst{3}, C.P. Casanova \inst{2} ...
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Name and email of the presenter
G. Nordström (Gerald.Nordstrom@tfai.vu.lt)
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Type of your contribution
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Analysis methods and technology
Galactic Discs and Halo
Bulge and Inner Galaxy
Chemodynamical modelling
Stellar Clusters: formation and evolution
Chemical Tagging
Stellar evolution
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Abstract of your contribution in LATEX format
e.g. My nice title about [$\alpha$/Fe] abundances or something else. Something great was presented by \citet{Alonso15) and we continue their effort.
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Bibliography in LATEX format, A&A style
If you need, add the bibliography. e.g.
\bibitem[Alonso et al.(2015)]{Alonso15} Alonso, D., Salvador, A.~I., S{\'a}nchez, F.~J., et al.\ 2015, \mnras, 449, 670
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Įgalintas ekrano skaitytuvo palaikymas.