Research schools
We host astronomical research courses and summer schools for PhD students. The course are aimed students in their PhD studies, and contain lectures by internationally top scientists, observations, exercises and assignments based mostly on own observations. The participants, who will end the Course with a successful presentation of work on the large assignment will be recommended to 6 ECU credits towards a doctoral degree. Typically all telescopes of Molėtai astronomical observatory are employed, together with remote observations using Nordic Optical and Teide telescopes in Canary Islands. Our site at Molėtai Astronomical Observatory usually hosts a summer schools every year (e.g. NordForsk, NEON, AstroBiology, BalticGrid). Read more @ mao.itpa.lt/schools/
Public outreach
We host annual public open events in Molėtai Astronomical observatory:
European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event dedicated to popular science and fun learning. It takes place each year on the last Friday in September. More than 30 countries and over 300 cities are involved. For our visitors we are giving the chance get updated with the latest astronomical news and ask their own questions, visit telescopes of Observatory, and observe some interesting astronomical objects through amateur telescopes. Thus, our site in Molėtai Astronomical observatory offers public lectures, observations and many more activities for up to 800 visitors during one night every year. Also, we host a number of smaller public events (e.g. public eclipse observations, Hubble 25th anniversary…).
Molėtai Astronomical Observatory is our main public outreach and educational program center. Observatory is located about 70 km. away from Vilnius. http://mao.tfai.vu.lt/mao/en