2022ApJS..258....8M, 2022/01
First Results on RR Lyrae Stars with the TESS Space Telescope: Untangling the Connections between Mode Content, Colors, and Distances
Molnár, L.; Bódi, A.; Pál, A. and 25 more
2021MNRAS.507..496B, 2021/10
Asteroseismology of overmassive, undermassive, and potential past members of the open cluster NGC 6791
Brogaard, K.; Arentoft, T.; Jessen-Hansen, J. and 1 more
2021A&A...649A.178B, 2021/05
Age and helium content of the open cluster NGC 6791 from multiple eclipsing binary members. III. Constraints from a subgiant
Brogaard, K.; Grundahl, F.; Sandquist, E. L. and 18 more
2021A&A...649A.126T, 2021/05
Abundances of neutron-capture elements in thin- and thick-disc stars in the solar neighbourhood
Tautvaišienė, G.; Viscasillas Vázquez, C.; Mikolaitis, Š. and 4 more
2021A&A...648A..71V, 2021/04
TESS unveils the optical phase curve of KELT-1b. Thermal emission and ellipsoidal variation from the brown dwarf companion along with the stellar activity
von Essen, C.; Mallonn, M.; Piette, A. and 8 more
2021A&A...645A..25B, 2021/01
Properties of the Hyades, the eclipsing binary HD 27130, and the oscillating red giant ɛ Tauri
Brogaard, K.; Pakštienė, E.; Grundahl, F. and 21 more
2020ApJ...900..154M, 2020/09
The Evolution of Rotation and Magnetic Activity in 94 Aqr Aa from Asteroseismology with TESS
Metcalfe, Travis S.; van Saders, Jennifer L.; Basu, Sarbani and 29 more
2020AJ....160...34V, 2020/07
TESS Data for Asteroseismology: Timing Verification
von Essen, Carolina; Lund, Mikkel N.; Handberg, Rasmus and 11 more
2020A&A...639A..34V, 2020/07
TESS unveils the phase curve of WASP-33b. Characterization of the planetary atmosphere and the pulsations from the star
von Essen, C.; Mallonn, M.; Borre, C. C. and 4 more
2020Natur.581..147B, 2020/05
Very regular high-frequency pulsation modes in young intermediate-mass stars
Bedding, Timothy R.; Murphy, Simon J.; Hey, Daniel R. and 33 more
2020ApJS..248...19T, 2020/05
Chemical Composition of Bright Stars in the Continuous Viewing Zone of the TESS Space Mission
Tautvaišienė, G.; Mikolaitis, Š.; Drazdauskas, A. and 9 more
2020A&A...637A..76V, 2020/05
HST/STIS transmission spectrum of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76 b confirms the presence of sodium in its atmosphere
von Essen, C.; Mallonn, M.; Hermansen, S. and 4 more
2020AJ....159...90S, 2020/03
High-resolution Spectroscopic Study of Dwarf Stars in the Northern Sky: Lithium, Carbon, and Oxygen Abundances
Stonkutė, E.; Chorniy, Y.; Tautvaišienė, G. and 7 more
2020NatAs...4..382C, 2020/01
Age dating of an early Milky Way merger via asteroseismology of the naked-eye star ν Indi
Chaplin, William J.; Serenelli, Aldo M.; Miglio, Andrea and 82 more
2019AJ....158..248L 2019/12
Asteroseismology of the Multiplanet System K2-93
Lund, Mikkel N.; Knudstrup, Emil; Silva Aguirre, Víctor and 14 more
2019ApJ...885...31C 2019/11
TESS Asteroseismology of the Known Red-giant Host Stars HD 212771 and HD 203949
Campante, Tiago L.; Corsaro, Enrico; Lund, Mikkel N. and 45 more
2019A&A...628A.116V, 2019/08
Indications for transit-timing variations in the exo-Neptune HAT-P-26b
von Essen, C.; Wedemeyer, S.; Sosa, M. S. and 8 more
2019A&A...628A.115V, 2019/08
First light of engineered diffusers at the Nordic Optical Telescope reveal time variability of the optical eclipse depth of WASP-12b
von Essen, C.; Stefansson, G.; Mallonn, M. and 6 more
2019A&A...628A.108F, 2019/08
Kepler Object of Interest Network. III. Kepler-82f: a new non-transiting 21 M⊕ planet from photodynamical modelling
Sreudenthal, J.; von Essen, C.; Ofir, A. and 13 more
2019AJ....157..245H, 2019/06
A Hot Saturn Orbiting an Oscillating Late Subgiant Discovered by TESS
Huber, Daniel; Chaplin, William J.; Chontos, Ashley and 139 more
2018A&A...618A.102M, 2018/10
The Gaia-ESO Survey: The N/O abundance ratio in the Milky Way
Magrini, L.; Vincenzo, F.; Randich, S. and 31 more
2018A&A...617A...4S, 2018/09